Sunday 23 September 2018

New therapeutic may help drug addicts avoid future drug use

To know more about the current research in medicinal chemistry, attend the Euro Medicinal Chemistry Conference 2019 in April 01 - 02 | Prague, Czech Republic. The topic of the current year's gathering is "Deliberate the challenges in the New era of Optimizing Medicinal Chemistry & Drug Design Research Reformswhich will give a worldwide stage to talk of present and future of Medicinal Chemistry and research.

Submit your abstract to the session: Medicinal Chemistry Conferences

A new therapeutic may help reverse chemical imbalances made to the brain by habitual drug use and could one day help recovering drug addicts avoid future drug use. Researchers from The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston developed and tested a treatment on rats and found it effective in reducing the animals' cravings. Their findings are in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. UTMB pharmacology and toxicology professors Jia Zhou, Kathryn Cunningham and their colleagues found that the serotonin 2C receptors in drug addicts do not work as well as they should. They designed, synthesized and pharmacologically evaluated a series of small molecule therapeutics designed to restore the weakened signaling. A serotonin 2C receptor.

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